Veronica Gomez

We are an Interior Design Studio with over 10 years of experience, specializing in remodeling, consulting and decoration in the residential, commercial and corporate areas.

Tips para pintar paredes de colores oscuros

Tips for painting dark colored walls

  • 2016-03-02

Changing the color of the wall is essential when the goal is to renew an environment. One of the current trends is to put dark colors at strategic points.

Historia de un Mueble

History of a Furniture

  • 2016-02-01

There are furniture that can be restored in such a way that it will look like new and super modern.

Casas Inteligentes: Lutron*Caseta Inalámbrico

Smart Homes: Lutron * Wireless Caseta

  • 2015-11-26

Can you imagine controlling everything from the comfort of your furniture or your bed or even anywhere?

Mito o Realidad: ¿Cuesta más usar un diseñador profesional?

Myth or Reality: Is it more expensive to use a professional designer?

  • 2015-11-25

When changing the "look" or setting a new space, we look for the most convenient options.

Alianzas Estratégicas: Studio K

Strategic Alliances: Studio K

  • 2015-11-13

With the aim of offering our customers the widest range of options in design and decoration, we have made a strategic alliance with Studio K Quito.

Decisiones Audaces

Decisions Bold

  • 2015-08-24

There are a variety of tastes and colors, but sometimes we dare not be more daring, there are areas of the house where you can make really powerful decisions.

VG DESIGN Anfitrión de Evento: Fashion Stravaganza

VG DESIGN Event Host: Fashion Stravaganza

  • 2015-09-04

This Wednesday, September 2, we had the pleasure of being the host of the Fashion Stravaganza event.

Espacios y lujo: Espejito, espejito…

Spaces and luxury: Mirror, mirror ...

  • 2015-08-26

The reflection of the mirrors is a powerful ally when it comes to decoration, they enhance proportions, amplify the light, provide the illusion of deeper spaces, among other qualities.

Personalidad en Decoración

Personality in Decoration

  • 2015-07-15

Personality, hobbies or activities of interest are some of the themes that can be used to decorate an environment, creating a unique space that you can definitely call yours.

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