Veronica Gomez

We are an Interior Design Studio with over 10 years of experience, specializing in remodeling, consulting and decoration in the residential, commercial and corporate areas.

Siempre a la Vanguardia

Always on the vanguard

  • 2015-02-26

This March 18, 2015 Veronica was in New York at the Architectural Digest Home Show where the best design houses were presented interior, cutting-edge technology for the home and thousands of products

La tecnología en acabados

The technology in finishes

  • 2015-02-12

Technology has acquired, greater prominence, with regard to the new tendencies of interior design, construction of spaces and Materials employed.

Como lucen artículos que vemos todos los días en comercios locales dentro de tu diseño

How do you see items that we see every day in local stores within your design

You can embellish, completely, a space with simple and low ideas budget, simply adding a few small touches that They can stand out and stylize the place.

Acabados que podemos hacer con pinturas comunes.

Finishes that we can make with common paintings.

  • 2015-02-20

Not everyone knows how to give painting the importance it really deserves, only some architects and interior designers are aware of the great variety of finishes that can be achieved using even a boat

Remodelando la entrada de la casa.

Remodeling the entrance of the house.

  • 2015-02-20

This is the example that it is possible to have a new home with some few general changes, so the next time you think about remodel, do not just buy a new piece of furniture or an ornament

Objetos singulares que hacen tu espacio único.

Unique objects that make your space unique.

  • 2015-02-10

A good piece of decoration makes the difference at the moment of customize your space, always remember to think about the style that predominates in the room you want to decorate since an article beautiful can be lost in an inappropriate space

Remodelando un baño de los 80´s

Remodeling a bathroom of the 80's

  • 2015-02-07

There are several reasons to remodel spaces in your home, including raise the value of the good for sale, this is an example in which a Professional decorator helps you make your home more attractive by caring the budget that you have to invest

El Proceso

The process

  • 2015-02-20

We develop each finish, piece of furniture and lighting to create a complete environment, where each space is used to the maximum.



  • 2015-02-05

Lighting is one of the most important aspects to consider when we do the interior design of any place.

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